The world of The Walking Dead is a complicated one. Surviving is more difficult every day because the ratio of humans to walkers is constantly changing, and not in the favor of the humans.
You may have noticed the hordes of walkers getting bigger on the show. You may also have seen the level of decay on some of the walkers has reached an almost grotesque level. These walkers all have different ages and situations that can impact their ability to join a horde or be an adequate solo hunter.
The walkers get together and form a horde based on their hunts. Walkers can’t go out looking for groups, but they end up travelling that way because they are just looking for food. When they’re done with one meal, they move on and look for the next and that can result in travelling solo or in a massive group.
Rick Grimes on his horse in Atlanta discovering a huge group of walkers
This can be seen in season 1 of The Walking Dead when Rick goes into Atlanta and accumulated a crazy number of walkers following him. Even though he was saved by Glenn, the walkers still went after the men because eating is their motivation. The walkers attracted other walkers and they just kept piling up until they broke the glass and entered. And that early in season one when the outbreak was relatively new!
Now that we’re entering season 5, we can expect a TON of walkers of all shapes, sizes, and levels of disgust. We’ve seen the walkers used as weapons by some folks like The Governor before this, but we should expect a lot more of that now the walkers need to be either contained or dispatched until they can be disposed of.
One of my theories involve Carol and Tyreese getting together a huge group of walkers to lead them into Terminus to cause major damage, but for now that is just an idea of something that most likely won’t happen. We saw the kind of carnage that can cause when we saw Hershel’s farm get taken over by the walkers and there’s no reason they can’t use the undead as weapons against those keeping Rick and the gang captive.
I can’t wait to see what season 5 of The Walking Dead has in store for us. The walkers should be scarier and the survivors should be even more scary. October can’t come soon enough.