The Walking Dead: What If Lori Grimes Survived Childbirth?


This is the first in our “What If” series of Walking Dead articles.  This one focuses on Lori Grimes and how different things would be she had survived the birth of Judith at the prison.

Let’s look at some scenarios that could be very different:

Michonne might not travel with Rick

  • Women are usually pretty protective of their men and I could see Lori Grimes being uncomfortable with her husband always being accompanied by a single female.  Even in the zombie apocalypse, spouses are jealous and Lori was never one to hide her feelings.

Carl wouldn’t have Michonne as a friend

  • With Lori gone, Michonne has taken on a bit of a mother role to young Carl Grimes.  She has acted as his protector, friend, and confidant.  However, with Lori Grimes still alive, it’s most likely that Carl would be on a bit of a tighter leash.  Not that Carl listened to her that much anyway.

Lori Grimes and Carl Grimes from The Walking Dead

Lori would Impede Carl’s growth

  • Not physically, but emotionally and mentally.  With Lori Grimes still around, Carl would probably be regulated to staying in the house and always being protected.  Also, knowing how Lori Grimes isn’t exactly mother of the year, the odds are good that Carl would be given the task of watching after young Judith.

Rick might be more mentally stable

  • Let’s be honest:  Rick lost his mind a little bit at the prison.  After the death of his wife, the birth of the baby that might not be (and most likely wasn’t) his flesh and blood, and having to kill his partner/friend, Rick lost his marbles and saw ghosts and other weird stuff.  If Lori Grimes actually buckled down and acted like a mom and wife to Rick, he might not have lost as much emotionally and could have been better prepared for the assault on the prison.

So, what do you think?  Would the group be better off if Lori Grimes was still alive?  Would Rick and Carl be in better positions?  Would Michonne have opened up the way she has?  And would Judith be better taken care of?

Let me know what you think in the comments.