One character that I’m really interested in hearing about during season 5 of The Walking Dead is Dr. Eugene Porter. We only got introduced to him and his awkward sense of humor late in season 4, but he could be a character that turns the entire franchise upside down.
Eugene, Abraham, and Rosita
Eugene claims that he knows the secret behind the walker outbreak and needs to reach Washington D.C. in order to get his information into the hands of those who can use it. He even enlisted bodyguards in Abraham and Rosita to ensure that he reaches his destination. However, Eugene has provided none of the essential information to any member of the gang and could just be using everyone for a free meal ticket and some safeguarding.
Recently, Josh McDermitt sat down with the folks at Wetpaint to discuss what season 5 has in store for his character on The Walking Dead, Dr. Eugene Porter:
"“We’re really going to jump into the backstory of Eugene a little more in Season 5. There really wasn’t a lot of time to get to know him, but we’re going to get to know him a little better, which is great. It’s always fun to explore the backstory of your character, but also, just with their interaction with different characters, their personality starts to come out, so, it’s always fun to get to know someone based on how they interact with different people.”"
He also talks about how the character both evolves and tells the story of his past on season 5 of The Walking Dead:
"“I think it’s gonna kinda come organically. The writers do such a great job revealing things about people as we go along. What was so great about last season was that they had full episodes dedicated to just a couple of people and, that’s cool, but I think the tone of this season is going be a lot more intense. It’s pretty wild and it’s gonna be a fun ride, so, I don’t know that they’re going just narrow it down and give Eugene his own episode.”"
Make sure you tune in one month from today to see Dr. Eugene Porter and the premiere of season 5 of The Walking Dead on October 12th on AMC.