The Walking Dead Toys Remain on Toys R Us Shelves

The hit AMC series The Walking Dead has spawned a lot of fandom over the years and that has led to collectors seeking out ways they can make the series their own. Toy figures have long been a sought after item for fanboys and The Walking Dead is absolutely no exception.

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But there are questions being asked about where the figures are sold, as the recent decision to pull Breaking Bad toys from shelves has brought about discussion regarding The Walking Dead. If you missed it, Toys R Us have pulled Breaking Bad toys from their stores after outcry regarding the subject matter of the show.

As NJ,.com points out, The Walking Dead toys remain on store shelves while Breaking Bad toys have been removed.

"But one has to pose the question: How soon before a petition is started for their questionable “The Walking Dead” toys, namely the collectable item, The Governor and The Fish Tank Room. It features The Governor with several fishtanks behind him with decapitated zombie heads and his little girl (also a zombie) with a bag over her head."

It’s yet to be determined what will happen to The Walking Dead toys but it’s looking like a similar decision might be on the horizon as the purging of anything remotely creative for children continues.

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