The Walking Dead Actor David Morrisey, we all know him as the Governor, has joined a group of others to create a new film and TV production group. The group, named On The Corner. will be creating and developing scripted and non-scripted content. Morrisey is excited about the new endeavor that he will be jumping into. He has loved all aspects of the film industry and will be looking forward to what the future lies hree:
"“I have been working as an actor and director for over 30 years and have always been fascinated by all aspects and stages of the industry. Therefore it was a natural progression for me to become involved with the creation of drama from its concept to delivery and beyond,” said Morrissey. “Jolyon and I have worked together since we made a short film calledSomething for the Weekend in 1995 with the aim of making distinctive and quality drama. And that’s a vision shared by James and Asif.” – Hollywood Reporter"
The group is already working on a film that will explore the life and death of singer Amy Winehouse. That sounds like something I might be interested in checking out.
I loved the character that Morrisey was able to create on The Walking Dead. He was one character that I loved to hate and I hope that he can bring that type of passion to his new avenue.
Next: Tribute Video on the Governor