Many Walking Dead Fans Of Beth Fooled By Parody Website

The hottest topic right now involving The Walking Dead is the death of Beth Greene.  There is a vocal group of viewers that are very determined to petition and email their way to getting Emily Kinney’s character to return to the hit AMC television show.

That’s where great satire websites come into play.

The National Report is a website that is best known for their humorous articles and ability to take serious topics and spin them in an entertaining way.  Sadly, these kind of websites aren’t always interpreted that way.

Recently, The National Report posted an article titled “AMC’s The Walking Dead Agrees To Bring Beth Greene Back To Life” that has been circulating the internet from enthusiastic Beth Greene supporters.  The article isn’t true, but outlines a way that it could be possible to bring Emily Kinney’s character back to life.

Here is how they said it would happen according to the fake re-writing of the season 5 script:

"“Rumors state that Kirkman is scheming to have Beth’s death be all in the dreams of Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride). It’s the only strategy that will likely work, as Carol is in love with Daryl, and knows that Beth is a threat to that. It is beyond logical for Carol to have dreamed of Beth’s demise.”"

While that would be an interesting way to bring Beth Greene back to The Walking Dead, I think that might anger more fans than just keeping her dead would. But it’s still great that the author of the article thought up a way to do it.

So, keep in mind that not every website out there reports the truth.  Some are just meant to entertain while others are to inform.  Make sure you know which is which before you take anything you read on the internet to heart.

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