Former Walking Dead Showrunner’s Winning Meeting Strategy

Normally, I don’t pay much attention to interviews about board rooms and meetings, but something caught my eye in an article by Hollywood Writers Office when they talked to former The Walking Dead Executive Producer Glen Mazzara.

Mazzara was the Executive Producer for The Walking Dead for 29 episodes, spanning from 2011-2013.  He took over the job for season 2 of the show and held the job though the end of season 3.

In the interview, he stressed many things that could help the flow of ideas while showing respect to your co-workers, supervisors, and even subordinates.  But these tips can help in any kind of group situation or even when engaged in discussion on an important topic.

Here are two of his biggest tips:

"Do not knock something off the table unless you are going to replace it. Do not just piss on someone’s idea without offering one better. That’s not fair. That’s not kind. That’s not respectful and that’s not your job. Your job is to generate ideas."

And here’s the other:

"I would not get caught up in any politics. I would not discuss any of the other writers behind their backs. I would never say anything as a staff writer that could not be repeated because chances are it will. So do not say anything that you feel would hurt someone’s feelings."

These are both fantastic pieces of advice.  Respect other people’s thoughts and work hard to constantly improve your own.  In the meantime, show that you are honest and trustworthy by keeping your negative comments to yourself so not to hurt feelings.

Make sure to check out the article for the rest of his advice.

Next: The Top 10 Biggest Badasses On The Walking Dead

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