The Walking Dead Comic Artist Inks Charlie Hebdo Tribute

The deaths of 12 people in Paris, France at the office of weekly satirical news magazine Charlie Hebdo has hit the world hard.  After releasing a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed, the offices were the target of an attack by terrorist forces.  Armed with AK-47’s, the gunmen took the lives of the editor of the publication and two police officers.

Of those 12 people killed, five of them were cartoonists.  These animators unknowingly risked their lives with the picture of the prophet Mohammed and ended up paying the ultimate price.  In response to this tragedy, The Hollywood Reporter asked many of the world’s top artists to make a tribute to the fallen animators.

The artwork that was done in response to this event was amazing.  There were some beautiful submissions from the team at Family Guy and The Simpsons as well as work by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller.  But as a fan of The Walking Dead, the submission by Charlie Adlard was by far my favorite.

Here is the piece of art that Charlie Adlard created and shared on his facebook page:

The design is simple, yet powerful.  The concept of freedom of speech is front and center, but shows fading at the left to solid words on the right.  Toward the end of the word “FREEDOM” stands the comic book version of Rick Grimes, raising his bloodied hand in the air, holding a pencil.

As more tributes to the deaths at Charlie Hebdo continue to come out, the support for the freedom of speech gets louder.  For Charlie Adlard, releasing this artwork is a brave act that shows his solidarity with other artists as well as his pursuit of freedom of speech.

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