Where Does The Walking Dead Season 5 Rank Among Other Seasons?

The Walking Dead wrapped up it’s fifth season but where does it rank among the others that have aired before it?

We have survived another season of The Walking Dead on AMC, and it’s time to assess where the season ranks among all of the others that have come before it. Thanks to it’s excellent writing and the guidance of show runner Robert Kirkman, each season of The Walking Dead seems to be better than the last, but is that true of this most recent season?

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As far as emotions go, there was plenty to both love and hate about The Walking Dead Season 5. For starters, the deaths this season all packed a massive punch and all of them were hard to watch. They ranged from slow and painful deaths like those of Bob and Tyreese to quick and violent like what happened to Beth and Noah.

That’s one reason this season was one of the best, as it f-cked with our emotions in a way that we’ve never really experienced before. We’re used to a defeatist, existential mood on the show but the way the season set up possible storylines and cut them down like Michonne’s sword through walker flesh was devastating.

That defeatist mood bled over into not just stunted and destroyed storylines but also effected character development. We saw Rick go to the brink — and possibly not come all the way back — and characters like Carol and even Daryl were given softer sides that weren’t fully explored.

Where the storylines of Beth, Noah and others were cut off during the season, there were even more interesting teases with characters we’re much more invested  in. That book that fell out of Daryl’s bag, Carol’s sensitive side showing back up and Sacha’s struggle with PTSD.

This season was just so well written from a character standpoint that it’s hard to not rank it near the top of an all-time list for the series. It wasn’t as good as the fourth season and is still behind a strong second season, but The Walking Dead Season 5 is going to be up there when all is said and done and it’s proof that the show is getting better with age.

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