Robert Kirkman Reveals Why Fear The Walking Dead Characters are Teachers

Fear The Walking Dead will feature two lead characters who are teachers, and series creator Robert Kirkman says that wasn’t by accident. 

Usually, when you’re crafting a show you want to take a calculated approach to who your main characters are. The Walking Dead is a prime example of that, although the rate at which characters are killed off gives the show plenty of opportunities too cycle through series leads.

But things could be different for the spinoff series Fear The Walking Dead though.

According to Robert Kirkman, there’s a logical reason as to why the lead characters in Fear The Walking Dead will be teachers.

"I thought it was cool. There’s logistical knowledge, there’s people management, a lot of skills that come from that. And to a certain extent, I think schoolteachers are on the front lines of a lot of things these days with kids and parents and families and all kinds of different elements of society. They are fairly tough individuals, so we’re going to be dealing with a couple of fairly tough individuals on this show."

There’s a pretty good chance that the two lead characters on Fear The Walking Dead survive for mostly all of the series, or at least a good majority of it. They’re played by big name actors who aren’t so big that they’ll leave for another project, and they’re talents we can invest in.

It’s clear that Kirkman has put thought into the characters and who they are — and the logical thing to do is to keep them alive for as long as possible.

We don’t get many nice things in the universe of The Walking Dead, but these two lead characters of Madison and Travis could be characters we cling to and don’t have to say goodbye to for a long time.

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