Robert Kirkman Keeps Telling Us Fear The Walking Dead Won’t Be A Prequel

Robert Kirkman continues to tell the world the Fear The Walking Dead is not a prequel, and he may have finally clarified himself well enough. 

When Fear The Walking Dead premieres later this summer, we’re finally going to see what it’s all about. We know certain things about the series but the biggest point of confusion was the fact that it takes place before The Walking Dead but it’s not a prequel.

Confused? You aren’t alone.

Fear The Walking Dead has been labeled a spinoff and a prequel, and series creator Robert Kirkman has vehemently denied both of those assertions. The only problem with this is that he hasn’t been very clear on what he means — until now.

In a recent interview, Robert Kirkman noted that Fear The Walking Dead is not a prequel series, and seemed to clarify just what the hell he meant when he said the series is a companion show.

"“I will say that I don’t consider this show to be a prequel to The Walking Dead, because there will be a point where a certain episode of this show will line up with season 2 of The Walking Dead, and a certain episode of this show will line up with season 3 of The Walking Dead,” Kirkman said. “So we will be progressing through time to the point that we do pass the initial days of the outbreak. But how fast it is that we get there? That’s just going to have to remain a mystery.”"

Kirkman has been beating this drum for a very long time and it’s finally starting to make some sense. He wasn’t all that precise about what he meant when he endlessly tried to convince us that Fear The Walking Dead is not a prequel series, and now we’re finally getting it.

It’s not like Kirkman could just come right out and say what the series was about, as there needs to be some element of mystery involved. But this whole idea that the show is running concurrently with The Walking Dead makes a ton more  sense then what we’ve been fed in the past and it helps to get us all excited for Fear The Walking Dead this August.

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