The Walking Dead season 5 DVD bonus: ‘Beth’s Journey’

The Walking Dead’s fifth season will be available on DVD and Blu-Ray soon, but some of the special features and bonus content have been slowly leaking out.

Luckily for us, the good folks over at People got an exclusive look at one of the most anticipated DVD bonuses that will be available on the set, titled “Beth’s Journey”.

Whether you loved Beth Greene or hated her, she seemed to get some kind of response from everyone.  She struggled while on the Greene family farm with her mental state, but slowly came around to being a strong woman who stood up for her beliefs.  It is that transition that was covered in “Beth’s Journey”.

Here is the video from People of “Beth’s Journey” from The Walking Dead’s season 5 DVD set bonus features:

Personally, I was never a big fan of Beth.  I’ve always had a hard time identifying with young women in movies and television because my individual experiences don’t quite mirror those of a girl living in the world today.  Her wildly emotional swings made her character even less appealing to me.

There are many who sympathized with Beth though and found her journey from near suicide to strong character to be captivating and interesting.  Watching her character grow and evolve to the point where she was willing to make a stand against Dawn Lerner and the rest of the officers at Grady Memorial Hospital was a great addition to the AMC television show which wasn’t a part of the comic books.

In the video above, you also get several of the cast and crew members give their opinions on Beth Greene’s time on The Walking Dead.

You can own season 5 of The Walking Dead on DVD and Blu-Ray on August 25, 2015 or you can preorder now from most major retailers.

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