People have had many varying opinions about the name for the new companion show to The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead. I’ve grown to love the name.

I’ve heard that it’s not very creative and jokes about how many meetings and big wigs did it take to come up with the name. Back when it was first revealed there were articles asking fans what they thought about the name. Horrible, awful and dumbest in history were among the answers.
I remember my thoughts at first were that anything was better than Cobalt, the code name that it had before its official name. Then I thought, well, it’s smart to use Walking Dead in the title to associate with the original and I was hoping that people would call it ‘Fear’ for short, which I’m doing and I think so are many people.
It sounded like a long title, which seemed like a drawback at the time, but Orange is the New Black is pretty long and it’s not that hard to toss out in a conversation.

I’ve grown to love the title. I love just saying ‘Fear’ and it really is about the fear, the beginning. The suspense and the fear the audience will have because we know what’s coming. The fear the characters will have because they don’t know what’s coming.
You can even still do the double meaning of the Walking Dead, if you chose. You can fear the zombies as the ‘walking dead’ or you can fear becoming the ‘walking dead’.
Not bad for a simple title.
I like simple.
There’s beauty in simplicity.
There’s simplicity in The Walking Dead.
There’s beauty in The Walking Dead.
I am hoping there will be simplicity and beauty in Fear the Walking Dead.
Next: Everything we know about Fear so far
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