The Walking Dead: Tiny Daryl Adventures’ 31 days of Halloween

Tiny Daryl Adventures
Tiny Daryl Adventures /
Tiny Daryl Adventures
Tiny Daryl Adventures /

Tiny Daryl Adventures takes action figures from The Walking Dead and creates funny scenarios with captions. Her Twitter account is a popular spot for Walking Dead fans. She is the inspiration for me and many other action figure and Pop adventure picture players.

Halloween is a special adventure to Tiny Daryl!  She presents a month of costumes in a Twitter extravaganza called The 31 Days of Halloween. Tiny Daryl has many more Tiny friends since the last time we looked at pictures with Tiny Daryl and Tiny Rick. I asked Alexes, the creator of Tiny Daryl about her 31 Days of Halloween celebration.

What do you enjoy most about the Halloween celebration?

Tiny Daryl Adventures
Tiny Daryl Adventures /

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. I love that it can be Halloween every day for a whole month. I also love seeing how an idea turns out. Sometimes simple ideas turn out cuter or more amazing than expected. It’s fun seeing everything come together. And it’s fun seeing how people react. 

Where do you get your ideas?

Pretty much everywhere. Sometimes I’ll see things out shopping and think, ooh. Like, this year I saw some of those specialty Easter “eggs” and thought, “Hey, I could make a mask out of that for one of the costumes,” and I bought a pack. That one will be later this month, probably the best couples costume I have planned for Rick and Daryl if it turns out well. I also get ideas just from looking around, from going through the materials I have available. And of course, I spend a lot of time browsing costumes. This year, I made the decision to include both scenes and costumes to up the ante a bit, so I’ve been watching a lot of iconic horror countdowns on YouTube. 

Do you make things ahead of time?

Tiny Daryl Adventures
Tiny Daryl Adventures /

After my first year doing this (last year), I said I was going to make them all throughout the year and have them all done before October, but I’m a chronic procrastinator so of course I didn’t. I do try to always be at least a day or two ahead on them since some of these costumes can take me hours to complete (which sucks because I make them on the figures usually so most don’t survive when I’m done), but things happen. Sometimes some get made earlier than others. Last year, I had a few planned for specific days, like zombie Daryl for the premiere, and I made and took photos of those beforehand. I didn’t have a twitter yet, so I used tumblr’s scheduling picture and they were ready to go. 

How long do you plan for this?

Tiny Daryl Adventures
Tiny Daryl Adventures /

I knew at the end of 31 days last year that I was going to do something. I toyed with the idea of only doing 13 days this year instead, but I just couldn’t resist. So, in a way, I guess you could say I plan all year. And I’m always collecting little things to use for this month, like the tissue box I realized could be used to make Jack-in-a-box Daryl. And those Easter eggs I mentioned earlier. I’ve obviously had those for months. I also keep lists on my Google Keep app. When I think of a costume/scene idea, I add it. But some costumes are more spur of the moment too. Doing a few tends to get my creativity going and spawns more ideas throughout the month. 

Was it different this year with more figures?

Tiny Daryl Adventures
Tiny Daryl Adventures /

Definitely. Having more figures allowed me to do the scenes. Having the littler ones also allowed me to do some different things I can’t do with the bigger guys due to their poses and range of motion. Like the ketchup and mustard ones I just did the other day. Ten inch Tiny Daryl is in that crouching hunter pose, so cylindrical costumes are hard for him. 

Do you make lines/jokes based on the costumes or costumes based on jokes?

Tiny Daryl Adventures
Tiny Daryl Adventures /

Both really. The “Little Girl” one I opened with… I had a good idea of what I wanted to do there. Granted I always change my jokes up a little bit when I see the finished pictures, how their faces and body language appear. Sometimes the original joke I had in my head doesn’t work as well, so I make it something different. After almost two years of adventuring, I’ve learned it’s better to be fluid when it comes to the vision in my head. Which is why some other jokes are more accidental. Like the Optimus Prime/Bumblebee mixup. I actually had just intended that to be a straight costume pic with Daryl as Optimus, and then my train of thought led to Rick as bumblebee and my brain reminded me I had a bumblebee costume sitting around from last year when Daryl was a “sexy bumblebee,” and voilà. 

Do you have favorites?

Yes, and I always get a little sad when I have one I really love and it’s not that well-received. I think my favorites from last year would be Popcorn Daryl, Unicorn Princess Daryl (we even made up a theme song for him on tumblr), the mermaid on a rock, and Groot. 

So far this year, I love the “Little Girl” scene, the Carrie scene, and Optimus and Bumblebee.

Please check out Tiny Daryl Adventures on Twitter and see a new costume every day until Halloween! And more adventures all year long.

Next: The Walking Dead: A Timeline of Events-From Morgan to Morgan

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