Walking Dead: S06E02 Preview – The Rick Grimes Show

Rick Grimes discusses matters with Morgan on Walking Dead Season 6 Premiere. Image Credit: Screencapped.net - Cass
Rick Grimes discusses matters with Morgan on Walking Dead Season 6 Premiere. Image Credit: Screencapped.net - Cass

Rick Grimes to Morgan – “I wanted to do it”

Anyone else getting worried for a second they were cooling off Rick’s character last week? Chipping away at the raw masculinity and creating another feel-good gentle man of the people. Morgan even alluded to it, “That’s the Rick I know, you’re still the same guy.” No Morgan, just no.

When Rick said that line, “I wanted to do it,” a wave of tranquility washed up on The Walking Dead’s collective shore. The last five seasons actually meant something. No regression back to farmer Rick, those days long evaporated. The progression into unfiltered, unprocessed, crude wild west cowboy continues. Martial law. Rick’s law. Governor Grimes is only as diplomatic as he needs to be. Putting on airs like Carol. This is, was, and always will be The Rick Grimes Show.

Memento Time Jump

Loved the Memento time jump homage, including the black-and-white. Brilliant choice by the Walking Dead crew to push the envelope. Take a risk with the debut episode. Many times, there is pressure to comply to what the majority of fans want. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s always the best direction to take. Instead of yielding to a by-the-books Walking Dead episode, they steered the ship into open waters. Applaud the decision.

Jessie/Rick Simmers Down

Jessie appeared ungrateful on last week’s Walking Dead episode. A stark contrast to all of last season. Yet, something lingers. She did mention Rick’s words about protecting yourself affected her. It might take a while, but predicating Jessie will come around to Rick. For now, Rick has focused on other endeavors, feeling no weakness to chase. Rick has not let Jessie cloud his better judgement on the course of Alexandria.

Glenn’s Poor Decision Making

Has Glenn not been paying attention to Rick’s methods lately? Allowing someone who attempted to eliminate him to remain in Alexandria was a poor, perplexing choice. One that might easily haunt him in the future. Why take the chance? Does he really want to be looking over his shoulder every time? This kind of thing was covered back in the Rick/Shane days.

The Wolves’ Horn

Yes, it was probably the Wolves who set off that horn. The whole trucks/walkers combination looked suspiciously familiar last episode. If the Walkers get into Alexandria, and it’s ruined… Will Rick and his crew be blamed? It wasn’t an event they could have predicated, but there’s always a risk.

Tonight’s Walking Dead episode:
Written by Seth Hoffman
Directed by Jennifer Lynch

The Walking Dead TV Ratings

– Last week’s the Walking Dead episode scored a 7.4 rating in the 18-49 age demographic according to TVbytheNumbers. It led all competition although was down a bit from last season’s premiere which scored an 8.7 rating. Defeating Monday Night Football’s ratings for the week is one impressive feat.

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