Is The Walking Dead’s Carl Grimes ‘The Worst Character’ on television?

Lori Grimes and Carl Grimes, The Walking Dead - AMC
Lori Grimes and Carl Grimes, The Walking Dead - AMC

When watching television, it’s easy to identify characters that you like and don’t like.  If you are a fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead, you likely have the characters you cheer for no matter what and some that you’d rather see eaten by the walkers.

Sadly, one of the most disliked characters on the zombie survival drama is Carl Grimes, played by Chandler Riggs.  Through much of the first several seasons of the show, he was considered a major buzzkill and frustrated many fans of the series.  While his character has improved over the seasons, he still has a large group of people who find him to be the worst character on the show.

But is he the worst character on television today?

Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) - The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) – The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 16 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

The Atlantic recently started a bracket to determine just who is the #TheActualWorst character on television today.  32 characters are currently up for the dubious honor, and they are placed into four categories.  Here are the four:

  • Awful but Enigmatic
  • Star of the Show
  • Plain Evil
  • Just Excruciating

As one of the first round match-ups in the “Just Excruciating” category, The Walking Dead‘s Carl Grimes is taking on Marnie Michaels from the HBO show Girls.

More from Undead Walking

To vote in the first round of the tournament, go to

The Atlantic’s match-up page

To view the entire 32 character bracket, check it out on their website.

Undead Walking wishes Carl Grimes the best in this tournament.  In other words, we hope that he loses in the first round.  On a personal note, I’ve really enjoyed watching Carl Grimes develop over the seasons and think that Chandler Riggs has done a great job with the character.  However, there’s no pleasing everyone.

Does The Walking Dead‘s Carl Grimes deserve to be included in this tournament?  Does he have an actual chance of winning? In the comments below, you can discuss your opinions on Carl Grimes, Marnie Michaels or any other character on television that gets on your nerves.