The Walking Dead: Walker Deanna?

Season 6B Promo images. The Walking Dead. AMC
Season 6B Promo images. The Walking Dead. AMC /

With the new promo art for The Walking Dead revealed by AMC in the last few days, fans on social media have been soothing their walker withdrawals by speculating on the meaning behind some of the panels.

The panels in the key art for The Walking Dead released by AMC yesterday and today have given fans some mystery and intrigue to focus on while waiting for the Valentine’s day midseason premiere.

Comic readers have noticed some things to give them some things to look forward to in the back half of season 6. I have been avoiding those spoilery ideas though.

For us non-comic readers, one panel in particular has caused a stir today. One of the panels looks like it is walker Deanna! And perhaps the gloved hand of Morgan or Michonne.

If you compare photos of Deanna from earlier in the midseason finale, it certainly looks like the necklace Deanna was wearing and Deanna was married so she probably has a wedding band. I couldn’t find an exact picture of her watch but she was wearing what looked like a watch in one picture I did find.

Someone on our Twitter suggested that perhaps that was what Maggie was reacting so emotionally to in the promo. That makes sense as well. Maggie wouldn’t have known yet about Deanna’s bite and seeing her as a walker would be quite shocking to Maggie.

It’s unusual for AMC/The Walking Dead to give away anything in their promos, but we already knew that Deanna didn’t use the gun on herself and we knew that she was bitten so they probably figure this isn’t really giving anything away and it’s a fun puzzle for fans.

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It’s also possible that it’s a sick Deanna and not a walker, although she would have had to do some pretty good tap dancing to get past that herd. But you never know. Then there’s the little corner of the photo with the gloved fingers that possibly belong to Morgan or Michonne. It could be someone else’s hand, but I remember gloves on Morgan and Michonne.

I’m not a big speculator. I like to see the promos and trailers and get excited, but then I just like to let it unfold for me at the time. But I like to share with you what I read from our followers and this was too big and interesting not to share! Have you been trying to figure out the key art? Any theories?