The Walking Dead boosting Atlanta-area housing market

Alexandria - Credit: Lauren Roberts, 2015
Alexandria - Credit: Lauren Roberts, 2015

While much of the attention surrounding AMC’s The Walking Dead involves the actors, cast, or plot, things such as housing markets are impacted as well.

When people think of AMC’s The Walking Dead, they think of zombies, blood, death, drama, and sorrow. They think of Rick Grimes and the other survivors trying to find a way to survive the apocalypse. But sometimes the side effects of a show so popular not mentioned or even thought about.

According to an article on the Curbed website, the housing market in the area around Atlanta, Georgia, specifically the Senoia region, has seen a big boost since the zombie show has become popular. Aside from the massive amount of tourists that visit the area to take in the scenery from The Walking Dead, there is a temporary housing market that is created by having the cast and crew reside in the area.

However, there are some interesting things that also come from the undead invading Georgia. Picture sitting on your front porch and seeing a massive group of people in makeup getting ready to film a scene, only they’re currently on break and acting very out of character.

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That is exactly the situation that real estate developer Scott Tigchelaar talked about when it comes to living around the area where filming The Walking Dead happens.

"“When there are 200 zombies standing outside your house, and one of them is having a cigarette and the other is eating a granola bar, it does sort of take the scary factor away.”"

Of course, filming of The Walking Dead has moved to being a show that changes sets often to establishing a home base in Alexandria. The people of the surrounding area have become used to the filming of the show and have seen a large increase in the attention that Senoia, Georgia has gotten.

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As the show continues, interest in the community, along with the housing industry it has, should keep making the land and houses in the area popular. With no end in sight to The Walking Dead, Senoia should be able to enjoy the benefits of AMC’s popular zombie survival drama filming in their neck of the woods.