The Walking Dead: New Reedus and Lincoln photo shoot [video]

TV Guide magazine February 1-14, 2016
TV Guide magazine February 1-14, 2016

Norman Reedus and Andrew Lincoln will be cover boys on the double issue TV Guide magazine for February 1-14, 2016, ahead of the Valentine’s day season six midseason premiere of The Walking Dead.

Lucky for us, while they were on set for the photo shoot, TV Guide magazine did a little casual interview with our Daryl and Rick that is quite fun and adorable.

We got some good The Walking Dead details and some bromance tidbits in this little video clip. Apparently Daryl got his hands on some pizza somehow in Alexandria and got fatter and Rick is lighter.

Norman has actually been juicing in real life because as Andrew teased him, he didn’t have much to do in the first half of season 6. But poor Norman’s wheatgrass has not survived the apocalypse of his life. Andrew thought the cat might have eaten it, but it just died. Simple explanation.

Related Story: Ride with Norman Reedus

So season 6A consisted of Norman watching YouTube to learn how to grow wheatgrass, while Andrew sweat and was eaten by ticks. A teasingly jealous Andrew accused Norman of still getting all the great shots.

Serious answers about the coming episodes included that the storytelling is going to go quickly, there will be new comic characters, and the finale will be intense.

Back to kidding, Andrew teased that he’s been happy that there  hasn’t been a lot of bromance in the show and he always makes sure he has a hotel room far away from Norman even though Norman always tries to get a room right next to him.

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One thing that gave away a tiny bit was the fact that there might be a Rick and Daryl’s excellent adventures episode. And while I’m sure it wasn’t a complete giveaway, it does, hopefully, mean that Negan’s men don’t kill Daryl right then and there in the predicament that Abe, Sasha and Daryl find themselves in presently.

Be sure to watch the video to see and hear for yourself the answers and questions as they are asked and answered and enjoy the camaraderie that’s visible from these two who, as Norman mentions, talk everyday like little old ladies on the phone.

The TV Guide magazine is on newsstands now. We’re getting closer and closer!