The Walking Dead: My heartfelt Valentine

Glenn (Steven Yeun) and Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) - The Walking Dead_Season 3, Episode 15_"This Sorrowful Life" - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Glenn (Steven Yeun) and Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) - The Walking Dead_Season 3, Episode 15_"This Sorrowful Life" - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

We are closing in on less than two weeks from the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead‘s sixth season? On Valentines Day, no less. It is within reach!

I just read my copy of  TV Guide Magazine with Rick and Daryl gracing  the cover. The featured article by Rob Moynihan for provides some good intel about the second half of The Walking Dead‘s sixth season. And it certainly had my mind churning about where we left off and where I’d like to see things go.

Seth Gilliam as Father Gabriel - The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Seth Gilliam as Father Gabriel – The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

I decided I would share some of my thoughts, hopes, and predictions in a heartfelt Valentines Day acrostic. (Surely you remember doing those in school.) And I am not a comic reader, so you may notice that I am not influenced by its storyline, only the wishes and predictions of my own imagination.

HHow could Morgan do that to Carol? A body slam, really?

A:  Andrew Lincoln back on the screen. Enough said.

P:  Pretty sure Sam is going to blow that guts camouflage maneuver.

P:  Please, please let Denise be okay!

Y:  Yes, I will be decorating for the midseason premiere.

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V:  Very excited about a baby GRheen! (See what I did there.)

A:  Aaron — where is he anyway?

L:  Linear storytelling in the back half as revealed by Scott Gimple to I like the idea of seeing more of our survivors in the same episodes together.

E:  Extra bloody premiere. I don’t like it, but that’s the word on the street, right?

N:  Never get out of the truck!! Okay, I know they were in a highly combustible fuel tanker, but getting out of the truck seemed like a surrender. (You thought I was going to say Negan, didn’t you? I am not ready for him. Call me scared.)

T:  Too many walkers for Rick to handle? Nah, who are we kidding?! He’s got this.

I:  Is it too much to ask that Glenn and Maggie not be separated again for awhile? I am ready to see those two together again working as a team.

N:  Not happy about Daryl losing his beloved crossbow and motorcycle! What’s up with that??

E:  Enid better listen to Glenn and find some hope. I mean really, what better coach, mentor, and friend to have then Glenn?

S:  Sasha, are you really into Abe? I kind of saw it coming, but is this a long term investment? I’m all for it, just want to know if it’s the real deal.

Michael Cudlitz as Abraham - The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Michael Cudlitz as Abraham – The Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 9 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

D:  Daryl gets more screen time this half of the season according to Mr. Moynihan’s article. There was even mention of him pairing up with Rick for an adventure. Bring on the dynamic duo!

A:  Aggravated that Rosita and crew gave up their guns. Did they really have a choice? I don’t know, but it was still aggravating.

Y:  You never know what might be in Eugene’s skill set. Maybe he’ll turn this whole walker ambush around? You don’t think so? Never say never.

There you have it. These are my heartfelt ramblings as we head into the back half of The Walking Dead season 6. See you on Valentines Day!