The Walking Dead: Rick and Father Gabriel

Father Gabriel and Judith. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Father Gabriel and Judith. The Walking Dead. AMC. /

Rick Grimes had to trust Father Gabriel Stokes with the life of his daughter on The Walking Dead. It probably wasn’t as difficult a decision as it might seem.

Father Gabriel is considered disloyal and a coward. But he’s not evil. Being disloyal, even if it were a consideration at this point, really doesn’t have any ramifications in this decision. It’s not like Gabriel is going to turn over Judith to Negan.

The biggest consideration for not letting Judith go with Gabriel would be fear that he is a coward and would sacrifice Judith to save himself. That would be the same fear or consideration if Nicholas or Eugene would have offered. Nicholas, before Glenn’s intervention, would be more of a worry than Father Gabriel.

Rick’s irritation with Gabe was a luxury during peaceful times. He showed Gabriel that he was angry with him for going against them with Deanna by shutting him down at the planning meeting and tearing down his prayer circle posters. During times of crisis, he doesn’t have time for childish expressions of resentment.

To quote Daryl about Shane, “Rick ain’t stupid.” He knows that Gabriel is naive and sheltered like the Alexandrians. Alexandria must have seemed like paradise to Gabriel. They didn’t know Gabriel’s sins. Maybe this was his chance for survival.

We’ve been praying together, praying God will save our town. Our prayers are answered. God will save Alexandria because God has given us the courage to save it ourselves.

The first thing that Gabriel saw Rick’s group do, after a year of being alone, was slaughter Gareth and his men. The group was never kind to Gabriel. Yes, they saved him and brought him with them, but they never accepted him. Maggie shunned him when he tried to offer her an ear about her losses.

Then when they got to Alexandria, Gabriel saw Rick and the group start to take over. Gabriel wasn’t smart enough or experienced enough to know that Rick wasn’t someone like The Governor, Gareth, Joe and the Claimers, or Negan, He feared for himself and for Alexandria. He was much like an Alexandrian himself.

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In a crisis sometimes we have to trust people. Sometimes even strangers. Gabriel isn’t a stranger. Rick had just seen Gabriel make it through the herd in his guts poncho without panicking. Rick knew that Judith needed to be somewhere safe and not out where she could cry and draw attention.

Gabriel is not a con artist. Rick and Gabriel connected with their eyes and hearts in their conversation. Rick thanked Gabriel. Gabriel wouldn’t take that lightly after all the poking Rick had done.

Gabriel might never be a fan favorite, but I’m so glad he kept Judith safe and got her to the church. I’m happier still that he didn’t just join Rick in his stand against the herd, but that he got a little speech!

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“We’ve been praying together, praying God will save our town. Our prayers are answered. God will save Alexandria because God has given us the courage to save it ourselves.”