The character of Jesus was introduced on The Walking Dead and actor Tom Payne has been officially welcomed to The Walking Dead family on social media.
"I realized that it’s such a warm fan base for the show – everyone is really nice and they just want the best thing, and I had a really, really lovely response and I’m super happy with that."
When Tom Payne was first cast as Jesus he kept a low profile in social media and he says the reaction was more of the warning type hoping he didn’t mess it up. He didn’t want to mess it up either.
He said he knew how intense the fans are and how things differ from the comics. With so many differing opinions it can be difficult to please everyone. Tom talked to Variety about all his fears and his experience so far now that Jesus has been introduced.
Jesus’ introduction was quite unusual as far as character introductions go on The Walking Dead because it was part of a very rare episode that included a humorous buddy adventure feel that has never been seen before and is likely never to be repeated. His character introduction matched that humor.
"I was a little bit apprehensive of making Norman look silly. [Laughs.] Like, “oh my god, this is going to be a bit awkward.” I’m coming in and running rings around these guys… that was a little bit weird, because behind the scenes you’re the new guy coming in and messing around.I was nervous about last night and the episode because I was like, “I really hope we got there with an interesting and fun character,” and we did. But you’re joining the biggest show on television – god, it was stressful! [Laughs.] But I’m super happy with what we came up with."
As fun as the episode was, we did learn quite a bit about Jesus from the episode. It was similar to Abraham’s introduction in that we got the idea that he’s probably not a bad guy and has some survival skills. Abe also got a little humor in and showed some of his skills right away.

Unlike Abraham, who is upfront and straightforward, Jesus is more mysterious and sizes people up. He’s a little more quiet and wily. A few weeks ago I hoped that Jesus might be like Abraham and Michonne as a new character. I’m thrilled. Our new characters for a while were Alexandrians–lovely people, but no Abrahams or Michonnes in skill or cleverness.
We should learn more soon about Jesus, but we do know that he’s probably not a bad guy, he has tall skills for a short person, he is mysterious in a good way, and he’s very cute!
(Via Variety)