Lauren’s Prediction: Either Carol or Daryl
When I was first asked to write a prediction for who would die in the season 6 finale, I was ready to say that I simply couldn’t do it. It took me a good few hours to be able to wrap my head around the assignment, probably because I don’t like thinking about any of them dying. At least according to my husband, I’m irrationally attached to all of them.
However, upon further contemplation, I decided I could at least narrow it down to two. Let me just say first of all that I do not want either of these two to die. They’re my two favorite characters! I love The Walking Dead, and I care about all of the characters, but there’s a special place in my heart for Daryl and Carol.
Even more than either of them separately, I love the two of them together. There’s just something about them that clicks, and makes them even stronger together than they are separately – and that’s saying a lot because they’re both very strong individuals. I’ll admit that I’m one of the people who wants to see them end up together – not that I think that’s really a secret.
However, I’ve just had a bad feeling this season. When I mentioned this to a friend of mine recently, she pointed out that I said the same thing last season – that I had a bad feeling that something terrible was going to happen to one of my favorites by the end of season 5. But with all of the hype around Negan this year, my bad feeling is amplified significantly. I’ve heard so much about him, I’m almost expecting him to show up in my real life!
There’s a few other reasons why I could see it being either Daryl or Carol who dies. Both of them have grown tremendously as characters since season 1 (though, really, most of the characters have), as I think most fans would agree. They’ve both also been given the chance to display very strong emotional depth this season – and the loss of either one would be a crushing blow to the group. We know how much the writers love to crush our spirits…
And even though Chris Hardwick insists that being on Talking Dead doesn’t necessarily mean anything, Norman Reedus is one of the guests this Sunday night. Which may mean absolutely nothing, especially if we get the cliffhanger ending I’ve been hearing about. And yet…
So maybe by choosing my two favorite characters, I’m trying to prepare myself for the worst. I would love for it not to be either of them… though of course, that means wishing a gruesome death on another character, which I don’t want to do either. No, I’m really not emotionally ready for this Sunday, end of story.
Next: Will it be a combination of characters?