Tracey’s Prediction: Carol and Daryl
Now that my basketball bracket is blown, I am going to try my hand at predictions for The Walking Dead season 6 finale. I am calling it now, this 30th day of March 2016. (Might I add that I hope my predictions are not true!)
I believe that Dwight will release Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita to return to Alexandria with a message of Daryl’s capture and a meeting point to “negotiate” his return.
Meanwhile, Carol will be captured by a different group of Saviors having just taken out four of their men.
Rick and crew will arrive at the meetup point to find that both Carol and Daryl are being held hostage. Negan will introduce himself declaring that he is the “NEG” in any and all future “NEGotiations”.
Negan will insist that while he is in charge, he is also a reasonable man. To demonstrate this he will give Carol and Daryl each an escape option. If Carol agrees to Daryl’s execution, she will be spared. Likewise, if Daryl gives up Carol, he will be spared.
Of course, neither Carol or Daryl will agree to the other one’s death. Therefore, Negan will say he has no choice but to kill both and will do so in front of all their loved ones gathered at the meeting.
Clearly, I do not want to lose any of our characters. But it would not surprise me to see Daryl and Carol sacrificed together. They have a bond unlike that of anyone else. It has not turned out to be a romantic one, but more of a shared history of abuse and vulnerability that has generated an unbreakable trust in one another.
The impact of such incredible loss would most certainly set the tone for a whole new chapter in the story for our surviving characters.
Next: What does Twitter think will happen?