It’s time for more scoop from Jordan Woods-Robinson, who plays Eric on The Walking Dead. Here’s Jordan!
Eric’s heart belongs to Aaron on the popular television series. He was also the one who told us all about Mrs. Neudermeyer’s longing for a pasta maker and let it slip out early that Aaron wanted Daryl to take over for Eric in the recruiting department. Oops!
Eric has also been nursing an injured ankle on the show. But he didn’t allow that to stop him from contributing to the epic walker battle scene in the mid-season opener for season 6. Eric stepped up, walking boot and all!
Actually, Jordan played a clever April Fool’s joke on Twitter with a walking boot.
Not to worry, it was a ruse! It is this playful personality that draws fans to Jordan, whether it be visiting him at a Walker Stalker Con event, watching him perform in Blue Man Group, or wanting to assist him with fundraising for his new album. I recently had the opportunity its to pick his brain about all of these topics and more. Read on for my exclusive interview with Jordan Woods-Robinson.
Next: Jordan at Walker Stalker Con