Fear The Walking Dead 202: We All Fall Down reader rating and response

Fear the Walking Dead came back for a second episode of the second season last weekend. We expected to meet Alicia’s new friend Jack, but instead, we met a whole other group of people. What did everyone think? Read on to find out.

At first, the occupants of Strand’s yacht were interested when they found a family, alive, living at a ranger’s station in a cove. The longer they stayed, however, the more they began to see that something among them was… off.

After the premiere episode of FTWD season 2, in which it was hard to trust our very small data sample, last week’s episode seemed to inspire many more of you to rate it and share your thoughts. Those who voted in our poll seemed to slightly less satisfied than the ones, few though they were, who voted after the season premiere. 36% of last week’s voters gave We All Fall Down 4 stars, compared to the 43% of the votes for 4 stars that went to Monster, episode 201.

3 star ratings almost stayed static, moving only to 31% in 202 from 29% in 201, as did 2 star ratings, which moved to 15% from 14%. 1 star ratings were at 18% last week, up from 14% the week before. In short, as far as percentages go, fewer people enjoyed the episode quite as enthusiastically as they did in the season premiere, but the difference seemed to be reflected by only incremental changes in the 3, 2 and 1 star ratings.

Average Reader Rating: 2.85 stars out of 4

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Here’s what some readers had to say about We All Fall Down, aka “the one where they almost saved some people .”

Slick111 – If Alicia continues to wear earphones listening to music with her back turned facing areas where walkers or other people could easily approach her unknowingly then it won’t be much longer before she’s the 2nd major part of the family to check out… and Strand was clearly on a private satellite phone that does not need cell towers on Earth to operate (like how the military was communicating with each other a few days ago in show timeline) so that wasn’t out of the ordinary Strand and I’m guessing his accomplice to a bank robbery? Rich person murder?? That he is to meet in Meh-Hee-Koe before shit got real… Anyway, the show needs to pick up and FAST next week because thus far it has been way too slow. 1 more confused look on Travis’s face or Ophelia scowling at her gangsta father and I’ll fall asleep…

Michelle McKeeth – Where did the seashell offering go? I’d go with 4 stars as well. Strand and Daniel are the most pragmatic of the group, with Madison, still a little too idealistic, and Nick who sees what others miss, as third and fourth. Strand knows Daniel is watching him, but he let his guard down and walked away, giving Daniel, who has seen more of the baser side of life, a huge edge in the sleuthing department. Travis is having a lot of trouble with the changes he is seeing in his son, and probably in everyone else he cares about, but he has his moments of clarity. He needs to get with the program a little more quickly. Ofelia may surprise us sooner than later. Chris and Alicia may be the first to go.

CatheMae – I thought it was a pretty good episode too. I wanted the little kid to escape the island. These shows are terrible with their survival. 

Ricktatorship – 4 stars..loved the ending! Didn’t see that coming at all..Strand is up to something and Salazar is watching..great episode!

Next: Fear the Walking Dead: Daniel Salazar says so much with so little

Tune in tonight to find out what’s next for our seaward survivors…