Last night on Fear The Walking Dead, The Group learned one of the most basic rules to survive the zombie apocalypse, courtesy of our friend Strand.
This morning (Yeah, that’s gonna be my routine as far as watching Fear The Walking Dead and/or The Walking Dead is concerned. Now I know how our British friends feel…) I watched the latest episode of Fear The Walking Dead and found myself pleasantly surprised, because I learned that Strand really seems to be an avid reader of The Rules!!
Why do I say that? Well, because we learned that Mr. Strand has one of my favorite things: A backup plan!!!
That’s right, he has a backup plan!
Not surprisingly, a man as mysterious a Strand has more up his sleeves than he lets on, and it seems that his mysterious conversations with an as yet unnamed third party revolve around ensuring that his backup plan is still in place.
And that, of course, is the point with our rule this week…
Rule #4: Always have backup plans.
One thing you need to realize in a zombie apocalypse (And, frankly, this goes hand-in-hand with last week’s lesson, accepting your circumstances) is that things are going to go wrong.
Whether it’ll be more zombies lurking around than you anticipated, paths being blocked or destroyed, means of conveyance being disabled, broken down, or stolen, or you simply not being where your plans were designed for, the fact is, things will go wrong, in one way or another.
The best way to deal with these possible eventualities? By having backup plans, so that, should things go down, you won’t be caught with your pants down, scrambling to try to figure what to do to escape the horde.
In the case of my favorite student, Strand, we see this manifest as him planning on trying to reach a home waiting for him in Baja, Mexico’s half of California, once they discovered that San Diego, much like LA, San Francisco, and every other major city along the west coast, had been burnt to the ground.
How long Strand has had this plan, or if San Diego was just his plan to ditch The Group, we don’t know yet, but, what we do know is that he’s had this plan waiting in the wings since at least they left Los Angeles, as it was likely whoever he has holding the fort down for him that he’d been talking to that first day.
Hopefully, The Group will find that Strand’s fort still stands, because, if it doesn’t, they’d better hope Strand has another backup plan hidden up his sleeves, or else, they’ll end up finding themselves floating aimlessly across the world’s largest ocean!
You see, it’s important that, when you plan for a zombie apocalypse, you make sure you have two or three or four plans tucked away in your back pocket, because, the zombie apocalypse will be extremely unpredictable, and you have no idea how big a herd you may have to get through, how the government will respond, how badly the zombie virus has spread, or what kind of shape places you’re relying on will be in.
The best way to plan is to plan like things will go wrong, because then, you’ll be ready when they do. Plan ahead and follow…THE RULES!!
And that is our lesson for today. If you like this and want to find out more rules to survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can get it on Kindle here and on iTunes here!