The third episode in Fear The Walking Dead’s sophomore season was titled Ouroboros, a reference to infinity or something regenerating itself.
There is plenty of room to analyze how the title relates to the episode’s plot line. Nevertheless, this post is all about who or what faced their mortality in season 2 episode 3. Let’s take a look at those whose story came to a finite end this week.
‘Ouroboros’ begins with a plane crash, which establishes the merging of Flight 462 storyline with that of Fear The Walking Dead. The handful of survivors of Flight 462 scramble for shore in a lifeboat. Our passengers aboard the Abigail are struggling to sleep through the night. Further into the night, Abigail comes to an abrupt halt due to a clog in the filtration system (more on that later!)
Travis investigates and attempts to repair the vessel. Daylight comes and the boat remains at a standstill. Our passengers take note of some wreckage on the shore in the distance. The younger set wants to scavenge the wreckage for supplies. The adults resist until Daniel Salazar agrees to accompany them. And there you have it, “Flight 462, meet Fear The Walking Dead“. As we all probably imagined, the trip ashore was not all smooth sailing (couldn’t resist!). So, who died in ‘Ouroboros’?
Flight 462 passengers
The crash of Flight 462 resulted in very few survivors. Alex is one of those survivors who takes charge after the crash just as she had when the plane was in flight. She manages to find Jake, the young man seated next to her on the flight.

She ensures that he has a spot on the lifeboat alongside three other surviving passengers: “cane-wielding” passenger, “striped polo shirt” passenger, and “oh, not it’s too late, I’ve been bitten” passenger. Three of these five do not survive the episode.
“Cane-wielding” passenger immediately uses said cane to knock out the passenger who has the bite on his leg. He falls into the water. “Cane-wielding” passenger and “striped polo shirt” passenger are both quite nervous about having Jake on board knowing he could die shortly and reanimate. Alex insists that they leave him be. “Cane-wielding” passenger attempts to kill Jake as both he and Alex appear to be sleeping. His plan is foiled when Alex stabs him first.
“Striped polo shirt” passenger does not last much longer. Remember the clog in the Abigail that I mentioned? It turns out that “striped polo shirt” passenger is now “striped polo shirt” floater and it is his hand that has clogged the plumbing on the boat. We can assume that Alex eliminated him as well, but we do not know for sure.
But, wait, there is one more surviving passenger remaining in the cabin of the crashed plane. Chris discovers him when he goes AWOL to take a peek inside the wreckage. The poor gentleman is pleading for help and has a severe wound exposing his spinal cord. Chris kills this passenger to end his pain in an act of mercy.
And of course we have a slew of infected passengers on shore who presumably died on impact. Our survivors have to fight them off and do so with hand to hand combat and Daniel’s gunfire. Nick lends an extra hand with his camouflage of walker blood, creating a little extra time for the survivors to get away. He learns what the viewers knew all along — the living can hide among the undead by wearing walker blood.
The survivors make a stop to grab the other lifeboat and take Alex and Jake back with them to the Abigail.
Geriatric chic
In what appears to be a direct nod to the fans complaining about Nick’s clothes, Ofelia asks Alicia to look for some nice clothes among the wreckage, something more stylish than “geriatric chic”. The gang does pick up a few new items. Is this the end of “geriatric chic”? Nick finds a floppy hat and a Captain’s dress shirt. Alicia finds a floral robe.
But Nick ends up ruining his shiny new uniform with blood from the undead.

We will have to wait and see what other clothing items they managed to scavenge. Thankfully, for Ofelia’s sake, they also looked for antibiotics and came back with some “cillin”s for her.
New passengers?
It’s not looking good for Alex and Jake. Strand is not happy about seeing any new faces near his boat. He refuses to allow them on board. Travis insists that they at least give them some food and water and tow their lifeboat behind Abigail.
Jake is barely hanging on and gasping for breath. Alex does her best to comfort him. Then, in one fell swoop, Strand marches on deck and cuts the rope holding the two vessels together. Alex and Jake are on their own. They survived the episode, but are definitely in dire straits. I hope this is not the last we see of them, but only time will tell.
Next: Ouroboros: Fear episode 203 review
Final count: 4 briefly surviving Flight 462 passengers – one with a bite, one with a cane, one with a striped polo shirt, and one with an exposed spinal cord
There was indeed a lot of action in season 2 episode 3 of Fear The Walking Dead, and much danger to boot. As things get more dicey on the shining sea, will we lose more of our original Fear The Walking Dead characters? Until next week . . .