Fear The Walking Dead episode 207: Shiva sneak peek videos

Ofelia and Daniel Salazar - Fear The Walking Dead, AMC
Ofelia and Daniel Salazar - Fear The Walking Dead, AMC

Want to get a little information on what will happen during episode 207 of AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead? Here are some sneak peek teaser videos from “Shiva”.

Fear The Walking Dead offered a very emotional installment during last week’s program, when the group reached Thomas Abigail’s plantation and discovered that everything isn’t as it seems. Next week is the midseason finale for season 2, so it can be assumed that poop is going to hit the fan.

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Thankfully, fans of Fear The Walking Dead won’t have to wait until next week to get a peek at what is going to happen during “Shiva” which is episode 207 of the show. AMC has kindly shared two videos to help fans prepare for what should be one heck of an episode.

Here is the first video as shown at the end of last week’s episode as hosted on the AMC YouTube account:

This sneak peek kicks off with Madison explaining to her kids that the people on the plantation aren’t their friends. Of course, Nick has already made a connection to Celia, but Daniel knows just what kind of monster she really is. Madison tells Nick to stay away from her. Chris goes missing, and his dad can’t find him. It looks as though the group is leaving the community in search of something, but we don’t quite know what. But Daniel seems to already be in poor graces with the community and he gets a butt whooping in front of his daughter and seems to end up tied up in a chair. It looks to be a big mess, but who knows what else is in store for them.

The second teaser in the one from Talking Dead. Here is that video as hosted on the AMC YouTube account:

In this video, Daniel is woken up by Ofelia and they go to investigate people moving down the halls. As they move the opposite direction as the people, Ofelia tells Daniel that he is hurting her by holding her wrist so tightly. He leads her down a light tunnel and while holding a torch and moving down the road. Ofelia cannot move anymore, and she feels ill. Disgustingly, she tears her own flesh off her face, asking if it is bad.

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You can watch “Shiva” which is episode 207 of Fear The Walking Dead on Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 9 pm/8c on AMC. It will be the midseason finale of the show and should be an episode that fans of the series will not want to miss.