The Walking Dead: Tom Payne treats fans to Twitter spree

Michonne, Jesus, RIck Grimes and Maggie Greene - The Walking Dead, AMC
Michonne, Jesus, RIck Grimes and Maggie Greene - The Walking Dead, AMC

The Walking Dead actor Tom Payne, who plays comic book favorite character, Jesus, recently treated his fans to a quick Tweeting spree on Twitter.

The Walking Dead cast is known for being great with fans. We see them at Comic Cons, we’ve seen them laughing, and taking selfies with lucky fans in places like grocery stores, gas stations and bowling alleys, they live Tweet during shows, and generally give the impression that they enjoy the fans.

Some of the actors are quite active on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram sharing photos and information. Some actors, like Justin Kucsulain, who played Ethan, the Hilltopper who stabbed Grogory and was then killed by Rick, actually attempt to respond to every Tweet they receive.

Related Story: Jesus memes

A few, like Michael Cudlitz, will go on little Tweeting sprees and respond to random Tweets for a short period of time. Tom Payne did a little spree just the other day, after his account had been hacked.  It’s fun to check out a Tweet spree when you see them. Fans get so excited to have their Tweets noticed.

These Tweeting sprees are such a great idea for actors looking to connect with their fans. They are short bursts and random. Those are two key elements to the success of the sessions. That helps curtail the whining about “what do I have to do to get noticed?”

Next: Interview with Justin Kucsulain

My pet peeve about Twitter with celebrities is I feel bad for the celebrities because they deal with the silliness of people begging to be followed or begging to be noticed, literally whining about being ignored, or other such nonsense.

It would make me want to not interact with people on Twitter at all. You can tell that some actors back away from interacting because of the nonsense. It’s great when things can remain positive and fun.