The arrival of the season 6 DVD and Blu-ray of The Walking Dead was just announced by Anchor Bay yesterday and today we have news of the Limited Edition and retailer exclusives!
The first thing people want to know about the DVD is the release date. The next thing we wonder about is the McFarlane Limited Edition set. Well, wonder no more. We’ve had the RV screwdriver walker, the Governor’s tank walkers, the tree walker from outside the prison, and last year the napalm walkers from Grady Memorial.
This season we have award-winning SFX make-up Supervisor and Executive Producer Greg Nicotero’s brilliant creation of the tight-squeeze truck walker from the rock quarry, played by actor Kevin Galbraith in the season 6 premiere.
The Limited Edition set is available for preorder on Amazon, and will be released in November of 2016 with exclusive walker cover art. Suggested retail price is $149.99.

Retailers like Target, Walmart and Best Buy may offer exclusives as they have in the past of the DVD and Blu-ray such as the Steelbook and lenticular packaging. Regular release is August 23, 2016.

The DVD includes brand new commentary, deleted scenes, six new featurettes, and the Blu-ray includes the highly anticipated alternate Negan scene.
Bonus Features (Spoiler Alert!)
- Inside “The Walking Dead” (DVD ONLY)
- Episode 616: Last Day On Earth — The Extended Version (BLU-RAY ONLY)
- Audio Commentaries
- Deleted Scenes
- The Making of “The Walking Dead”
- In Memoriam
- 601: Out of The Quarry
- Guts & Glory: The Death of Nicholas
- Strength in Bonds
- Negan: Someone to Fear
- The Face of Death: Iconic Walkers of The Season
Next: Greg Nicotero discusses Season 7 and the future of The Walking Dead
To enhance your enjoyment of season 6, Undead Walking has a few things that might interest you. We have gathered all of the named character deaths and recapped them for you here. We also have a season 6 episode guide with the original air date, titles, memorable moments, and quotes from each episode here.
Season 7 of The Walking Dead returns in October!