Great Character Introductions on The Walking Dead: Aaron

Photo Credit: screen capture from The Walking Dead season 5 episode 10/AMC
Photo Credit: screen capture from The Walking Dead season 5 episode 10/AMC

We only meet a character once. Sometimes that introduction is just woven into the story. Other times it’s a dramatic event. Let’s look at some of the great introductions on The Walking Dead.

Aaron. His introduction was great in so many subtle ways. Comic book readers, as is often the case, knew who he was, but the rest if us did not. We had just spent an exhausting and draining trip on foot just to make it to safety in a barn to wait out a tornado and horrible storms.

We were headed to DC after Beth’s death and after losing Tyreese in Noah’s family’s neighborhood when we found it torn apart by the dead and also found signs about Wolves not being far and walkers with the letter W on their foreheads.

Food and water was scarce. Fuel for the cars had run out. The group was depleted, depressed and desperate. Daryl had fixed the music box that Carl had given her to read in her of Beth.

Related Story: Aaron Recruits Daryl

Maggie and Sasha were having a little chat in the morning after the storms and when they tried to open the music box, it didn’t work. Just another reminder of how things were going for the group.

Then here comes Aaron. A clean-shaven, freshly showered, L.L. Bean catalogue model of a man in a plaid shirt and windbreaker right off the cover photo shoot wishing them good morning as if he just arrived from the campgrounds one tent over.

Maggie and Sasha responded apocalypse style with guns and Aaron held up his hands. Still talking like the dad camper from the next tent he talks about stranger danger and asking to talk to their leader whose name he knew–Rick.

Next: Great introductions to characters: Abraham's Army

Maggie and Sasha wondered how they knew his name and why he wanted to talk to him, but they were stunned and just muttered, “How do you know?” and “Why?” But the music box let us know that things were going to be okay. LA, LA, LA, LA.