Fear The Walking Dead gave us the second installment of season 2 with episode ‘Los Muertos’, which translates in English to “the dead”, plural. So how much death actually occurred in episode 209? Let’s take a look.
As is my tradition, we will consider losses both figuratively and literally.
Mi Papa
Near the beginning of the episode we see a crying little girl’s father being “fed to the wall”, a wall of walkers that is. Alejandro and Luciana are clearly not punishing this man as they both seem moved by the incident. We later find out that those who are dying are welcomed to death by the dead themselves.
An old bus sits in between two distinct portions of the colonia. The rear sits inside the fenced in area for those who have turned. The front half sits inside the land of the living. People who are figuratively “at death’s door” must face it literally as well via the rear exit door of the bus.
The little girl’s father passes through the rear door and is ascended upon by the infected. He will become one of them. (Or so we presume — what’s up with Alejandro having survived a bite from the undead?)
The Abigail
“Oh, no!” Those were the words of Victor Strand when the Abigail is nowhere to be found. He suspects that the military stole the vessel. The downtrodden group of Strand, Madison, Ofelia, and Alicia are out of gas and out of a boat.
The four head to a nearby hotel to scavenge and hopefully find shelter. Unbeknownst to them a whole bunch of walkers are sniffing at them from across the street. The four get a little too comfortable with Madison and Strand drinking at the bar while Ofelia and Alicia go raid the rooms for supplies and find hot water.

But when Alicia finishes her hot shower, she goes to tell Ofelia it is her turn. Ofelia, however, is nowhere to be found. What Alicia does find is walker after walker hurling themselves over the balconies to the ground floor. Alicia fears for her mother who is also on the ground level.
No, I personally do not think Ofelia is dead. But she is indeed missing, so she sort of qualifies as being “lost” in this particular episode.
I hope we see her early on in next week’s episode and are not left wondering if she found a dumpster to rest under. (I say this all in good fun, no hard feelings for The Walking Dead!)
So for now, she is missing. Is she in jeopardy? Or will she perhaps be at a vantage point to rescue the other three and save them from peril? I am hoping the latter, but we will have to wait and see.
Final count
1, Papa
Next: Review of Fear The Walking Dead episode 209 Los Muertos
I was really hoping to work my favorite line from this episode of Fear The Walking Dead into this post. But I could not quite justify its use. So for now, I simply leave you with a few words of advice until next week . . .