The Kingdom is the focus of a new teaser video for season 7 of AMC’s The Walking Dead, showing Morgan, King Ezekiel, Shiva and much more!
Only a little over a month remains until the seventh season of AMC’s The Walking Dead premieres. While much of the focus right now is on Negan and The Saviors, there is another group that might change the landscape of the zombie survival drama forever.
That group is known as The Kingdom. Fans of the hit show got a glimpse of the community’s leader in the season 7 trailer at San Diego Comic Con, but now there is a little better look thanks to a new promotional video showing the group interacting with some established characters.
Here is that video titled “Secrets” from the official AMC YouTube channel:
If you watched that trailer and still have no clue who The Kingdom are or what they do, that’s okay. There is no need to know everything right now. However, this video does establish some important things going forward.
First, this teaser confirms that The Kingdom seems to be composed good people. They likely want to help out Morgan and then send him on his way to stay separate from other societies.
Interestingly enough, The Walking Dead has chosen to include some footage of Tara’s interaction with the walkers covered in white and an action sequence featuring Jesus in the video. While these things are not likely directly related to meeting up with King Ezekiel and The Kingdom, they add a little more punch to an otherwise character-driven promo.
The most interesting part of the trailer is likely the very opening. Season 6 left off with Morgan and Carol interacting with some members of The Kingdom, but now it looks like Morgan is alone and the new group is seeking him out. Where did they get separated and what happened? And did he leave Carol with them?
Next: Who did Negan kill? Check out the odds here!
This teaser once again raised more questions than it gave answers. Still, there is plenty of look forward to when The Walking Dead returns to AMC on October 23, 2016. If nothing, this should make fans more curious about what King Ezekiel and The Kingdom have to offer on the hit apocalyptic drama.