Jeremy Palko, Hilltop Andy of The Walking Dead, took over our Twitter for a question and answer session this afternoon to the delight of our followers.
Jeremy Palko was our first guest for Twitter takeovers on Undead Walking and it was a smashing success. Jeremy was a wonderful guest. Our followers were so excited to ask questions that they showed up early.
And do you know what? Jeremy was there early, too! And he stayed for much longer than his scheduled 30 minutes. Fans got almost an hour of replies to their questions. We even had fans from France, Germany, Belgium, Estonia, and England!
The questions were surprisingly varied. Jeremy answered questions about his family, comic-cons, his hobbies outside of acting, and life on the set, along with expected questions about The Walking Dead and the actors he works with on the show.
Movies, gym, guitar, sleep, friends, family, video games...
— Jeremy Palko (@JeremyPalko) November 20, 2016
#undeadtwittertakeover hello from Belgium!!! 🙋
— Ice (@Cuh4ok) November 20, 2016
We found out that Norman is fun to be around on set and Jesus is his homeboy. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a great dude and Negan is a lovable a**hole. Working with Greg Nicotero was intimidating at first and then fun. Jeremy said that Andrew Lincoln is a very cool guy and when he turns in to Rick it is awesome to watch.
very cool guy. when he turns into is awesome to watch
— Jeremy Palko (@JeremyPalko) November 20, 2016
Intimidating at first...then very fun
— Jeremy Palko (@JeremyPalko) November 20, 2016
We also found out that Jeremy has a wonderful sense of humor!
hopefully not with a walker! i hear Maggie is single? too soon??
— Jeremy Palko (@JeremyPalko) November 20, 2016
— Jeremy Palko (@JeremyPalko) November 20, 2016
— Jeremy Palko (@JeremyPalko) November 20, 2016
The time flew by and the Tweets were flying as well. Jeremy did an amazing job answering as many as he could. I’m pretty sure he answered everyone. I did my best to just keep up with retweeting so everyone who was following along could enjoy the questions and the answers.
There were lots of fun emojis and gifs flying around as well. As you can see, Miss Tina was fond of the Jimmy Fallon gifs!
thank you for your time!!!
— Ice (@Cuh4ok) November 20, 2016
Thank you again to Jeremy for making our first Twitter takeover such a blast. If you missed this one, you can check the hashtag #undeadtwittertakeover or just Tweet to @jeremypalko and say hello to him. And you don’t have to wait long for the next takeover.
Next: The Undead Twitter Takeover welcomes TWD cast members!
Justin Kucsulain, Ethan from Hilltop, is joining our Hilltop takeover to make tonight’s Hilltop centered episode even more special. He will answer questions starting at 8:30 ET and then he will stay with us to live Tweet the episode.
According to Justin, you can laugh, you can blink, you can drink beer; hell, we’re all going to be doing that. So join us tonight! And thank you so much to both Jeremy and Justin!