Fear the Walking Dead 206 deleted scene: Madison’s regret

Alicia Clark and Madison Clark - Fear The Walking Dead, AMC
Alicia Clark and Madison Clark - Fear The Walking Dead, AMC

In yet another deleted scene from the second season of Fear the Walking Dead, we get a glimpse inside Madison’s regret when it comes to her daughter Alicia.

One of the recurring themes of Fear the Walking Dead is family relationships. In Madison’s case, it’s a matter of the relationships between mother and son and mother and daughter. As if the apocalypse isn’t enough, there are also family issues that keep getting in the way of good judgment and little things like survival. Madison tends to get so caught up with Nick that she forgets her daughter, but every now and then she stops to really appreciate her daughter.

In a deleted scene from Season 2’s sixth episode, “Sicut Cervus,” Madison is in bed with Alicia at Casa de Abigail telling her daughter that she thought she’d lost her.

The reality of their new lives is starting to set in, and Madison notes that she should be getting ready to send Alicia to college. She should be letting her go, but she doesn’t want to. Alicia says she can let go of her the next day, but for now she wants her mother close.

Madison’s relationship with Nick is very different than her relationship with Alicia, and in the second season we learn why she was so much more concerned about Nick than she ever was with Alicia. Nick needed her. He was too much like her husband, who also suffered from mental illness and depression like Nick does. Alicia was always able to take care of herself, and she eventually became so self-sufficient that her self-sufficiency has driven a wedge in her relationship with her mother. Strand tells Madison that she really should focus more on the child that she still has—Alicia—instead of focusing all of her attention on the one who made a decision to leave—Nick.

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There’s no question that these Madison-Nick and Madison-Alicia issues will continue in Season 3. Now that Madison knows that Nick is still alive, and possible nearby, she has returned to the protective Mama Bear who wants to bring her son back into the fold.

Look for Fear the Walking Dead on Blu-Ray and DVD on December 13th.