Fear The Walking Dead Passage: Meet Mishel Prada and Kelsey Scott

Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage - Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC
Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage - Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC
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Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage - Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC
Kelsey Scott as Sierra, Mishel Prada as Gabi – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 2, Passage – Photo Credit: Ron Jaffe/AMC

Jumping right in

I understand that you had not met prior, so did you have at least five minutes to talk beforehand or did you just jump right in?

"KELSEY: “We just kind of jumped in, we didn’t really have a rehearsal period.” MISHEL: “We didn’t have any rehearsal [except] in the makeup chair. That was about it, in the little makeup room.”"

I complimented the ladies on their beauty. It was different seeing them without all the grime of the zombie apocalypse.  Both were very gracious and Mishel gave me some “dirt” on all that dirt.

"MISHEL: ” We shot for a few days and they get this makeup dirt. There are times where you do things, where you fall, you get blood splatter, dirt on your face, and they have to recreate it for the next few days. But it takes so long that after a while you just say I’m going to go outside and shove my face on the ground.  You don’t want to sit there and take the time to have the dirt makeup put perfectly on.”"

Did either of you have any prior stunt training or did you just go for it?

"KELSEY: “We just went for it!”"

Mishel and Kelsey explained that there were some stunt doubles there for the third day of shooting, but even though they ended up getting pretty banged up and bruised, they thought it looked better to do everything themselves. There was plenty of jumping over things and banging into stuff, so the girls treated themselves to a spa day that they describe here. Click below to listen.

I also learned that Kelsey was particularly excited about the action sequences, revealing that she is a tomboy.

"KELSEY: “All last year, I’d been saying I wanted to do an action piece. Just randomly mentioning it to folks. So for the opportunity to pop up was a lot of fun. We spend a lot of time being pretty on camera, being perfect and coiffed. It’s nice not to worry whether your makeup runs or you’re sweating. To completely dive into the character.”"