The Zombie Apocalypse: 100 Days To Die, 10 Ways To Survive.

Fear the Walking Dead. AMC.
Fear the Walking Dead. AMC. /
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Danai Gurira as Michonne, Michael Rooker as Merle Dixon, The Walking Dead -- AMC
Danai Gurira as Michonne, Michael Rooker as Merle Dixon, The Walking Dead — AMC /

3. Get in shape.

Now, while this might just sound like your ordinary New Year’s resolution, I assure you, this is not that.

I can guarantee you one thing about a zombie apocalypse: It will tax your body. Between running from the dead, fighting the dead, and trying to build shelters against or make paths to escape the dead, it will push your body to the limits.

So, the best thing you can do before a zombie apocalypse happens is get yourself in the best shape possible to minimize the amount of work you have to do after it starts.

Whether you’re learning martial arts, lifting weights, running marathons, or learning parkour, if it’s increasing your strength and endurance, it’s worth doing.

As I like to say: Survival is both a marathon and a sprint. Train as such.

Next: Part Four: Your Attitude