The Zombie Apocalypse: 100 Days To Die, 10 Ways To Survive.

Fear the Walking Dead. AMC.
Fear the Walking Dead. AMC. /
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Iron E. Singleton as Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas, Michael Rooker as Merle Dixon, The Walking Dead -- AMC
IronE Singleton as Theodore “T-Dog” Douglas, Michael Rooker as Merle Dixon, The Walking Dead — AMC /

4. Leave your B.S. behind.

What do I mean by “B.S.”? Well, whatever causes a person to believe themselves better or superior to those around them; whatever causes someone to judge or mistreat others based on, essentially, nothing, or whatever causes people to just, generally, be a jerk.

Am I saying everyone necessarily behaves that way? No. But, what I am saying is, there are people out there who will behave badly towards people for all sorts of, frankly, dumb reasons.

Why are they dumb? Simple. No matter how justified the person may feel in whatever prejudices they hold, they are ultimately pointless in the face of zombies. Zombies will not care about who we voted for, what our skin color is, what our gender is, or anything else. Zombies will see us, all of us, as food. Period. While we’re fighting amongst ourselves over petty things, the dead will be eating us.

So long as the people you are forced to survive with aren’t harming or jeopardizing you, your group, or others in it, nothing else about them should matter.

Next: Part Five: Your Home