The Walking Dead star Chad L. Coleman cast in Michael Jackson Lifetime movie

Tyreese. The Walking Dead. AMC
Tyreese. The Walking Dead. AMC /

The Walking Dead star Chad L. Coleman has been cast to play in a Lifetime movie telling the story of Michael Jackson through the eyes of his bodyguards.

Fans of AMC’s The Walking Dead know Chad L. Coleman as actor who played the physically intimidating yet soft-hearted character of Tyreese. Coleman’s new role is one that fans of pop music might be very interested in.

Recently, E! Online shared the news from Lifetime that the popular network would be developing a movie based on the life of “The King of Pop” Michael Jackson with the working title of Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland. 

This will be unlike many of the other movies and biographies on the legendary musical artist, since the movie will be seen through the eyes of the security guards who worked for Jackson, and not from the artist or his family’s point of view.

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Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland will be an adaptation of the best-selling book Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days by Bill Whitfield.

Coleman has been cast to play the role of Bill Whitfield, one of the two trusted bodyguards who the movie will revolve around. Also cast in the picture is Navi, who Lifetime says is “the world’s No. 1 Michael Jackson tribute artist”.

E! Online has no further information about the production, except that filming is expected to begin in February on the project and will take place in Los Angeles, California.

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Fans of Chad L. Coleman can always go back and watch his work on The Walking Dead, but those who haven’t seen him in different roles like on It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Arrow, Freakish, or The Expanse should be sure to check those programs out until Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland is released on Lifetime.