The Walking Dead: Highlights from our Twitter chat with Joseph Hardin

Joseph Hardin. Walker. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Joseph Hardin. Walker. The Walking Dead. AMC. /

The Twitter chats with the cast of The Walking Dead continued at Undead Walking with walker actor and Savior actor Joseph Hardin.

Twitter Takeovers under the hashtag #undeadchat have been a big success for us at Undead Walking. The actors have been wonderful with our followers joining us for a half hour or so to answer questions and chat about themselves and the show.

Sunday morning we met Joseph Hardin who has been a walker since the beginning of season 6 and also plays one of the Saviors. His morning chat time was great news for our followers in the UK and Europe, who didn’t need to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to chat this time.

Gay, from England and Linda, from France were thrilled to do more chatting than usual while the people in California were still asleep.

Joseph shared some fun information about being a walker, such as how sometimes on set the walkers go by voice to figure out who the other walkers are when they are in make-up if they can’t tell right away who the person is under the zombie.

Joseph has made it known to Mr. NIcotero that he is available to bite Daryl if the need arises.

Something interesting in Joseph’s case about the potential of his Savior character dying, is that Joseph hopes to be killed by one of his own walker friends. Hear that Coral? Let the walkers get Joseph!

Here are some of the highlights of the chat:

When The Walking Dead returns in February, we can add Joseph to our game of spot our walker friends and now spot our Savior friends. Season 7B should be amazing if Joseph’s emojis are any indication.

Thank you, Joseph, for taking the time to chat with our followers and answer questions. We hope you’ll come back and chat with us again during the long Walker Withdrawals and during season 8! Check out Joseph’s Facebook Page! 

Next: Joseph's mealworm walker

We have more chats scheduled with Joseph’s Savior buddies as well as Carlos Navarro from the Kingdom, Karen Ceesay from Hilltop and Elizabeth Ludlow who plays Arat. Check with us on Twitter for updated schedules.