Fans have fun captioning The Walking Dead photos on Twitter

Karl Makinen as Richard, The Walking Dead -- AMC
Karl Makinen as Richard, The Walking Dead -- AMC

Our Twitter followers had a blast one night during these times of Walker Withdrawals by adding fun captions to some familiar photos from The Walking Dead.

Memes are extremely popular in every area of pop culture, but The Walking Dead fans are particularly fond of them and they are particularly clever when it comes to creating them and adding some humor to the dark and emotional zombie show they love. (We love.)

During the break time, we are forced to do whatever is necessary to pass the time while still enjoying The Walking Dead. Our β€œenthusiasm”, shall we call it, for the show does not take a break.

Of course, Undead Walking continues to cover the news and we speculate and write our opinions and keep blogging away, but in addition to that, on our Twitter, we play trivia games or scrambled words or do other things to help us make it through until February.

The other day I posted tons of pictures and our Twitter followers became meme brainstormers and came up with captions for the pictures. Here are just some of the good ones:

Stephen Vining. The Walking Dead. AMC
Stephen Vining. The Walking Dead. AMC
Merritt Wever. Denise. Behind the scenes. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Merritt Wever. Denise. Behind the scenes. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Stephen Vining. Cherokee rose walker. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Stephen Vining. Cherokee rose walker. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Eduardo. Hilltop guard. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Eduardo. Hilltop guard. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Chris Harrelson. Carl. Michonne. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Chris Harrelson. Carl. Michonne. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Karl Makinen as Richard, The Walking Dead -- AMC
Karl Makinen as Richard, The Walking Dead β€” AMC
Olivia and Carl. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Olivia and Carl. The Walking Dead. AMC.

Negan. Spencer. The Walking Dead. AMC.
Negan. Spencer. The Walking Dead. AMC.

You can check out our Twitter for more β€œcaption-the-picture” fun. It’s not as easy as it looks. Have you thought of some good captions for some of these photos? Share them in the comment section. Maybe you’re the next big memer! Captioning photos is a good way to get started.

Next: Title and synopsis for midseason premiere

Just a few more Sundays until season 7 continues and we will have new pictures to caption. If you need a good warm up game for your midseason premiere party, print out some pictures and have your guests write captions on them. Happy meming!