The Walking Dead: Shedding some light on Gabriel’s car scene in 709

Father Gabriel and a stranger driving away from Alexandria - The Walking Dead 709, AMC
Father Gabriel and a stranger driving away from Alexandria - The Walking Dead 709, AMC

Many people missed quite a bit in the mysterious scene that started the midseason premiere of The Walking Dead on Sunday night.

Fans tuned in with nervous excitement on Sunday night after a long wait since December for our zombies and our group to return. After those beautiful words, “Previously, on AMC’s The Walking Dead,” Father Gabriel was the first character on the screen.

He was keeping watch over Alexandria. We had a hard time seeing him though. It was night-time and the way the scene was filmed it was quite dark. Yes, I know it was night, but it was so dark, it was difficult to really see what was happening.

Instead of paying attention to my television screen, I was racing around my apartment turning off all of the lights to help make it easier to see. I’m not one of those people who watches television with all the lights off.

Father Gabriel and a stranger driving away from Alexandria - The Walking Dead 709, AMC
Father Gabriel and a stranger driving away from Alexandria – The Walking Dead 709, AMC

Even with the lights off, I still had to really lean forward and try to figure out what I was seeing. I remember this issue in seasons  4  and 5 at times with some of the scenes.

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This time the darkness works in one way, but was a problem in another way for fans. It works in the sense that it made things seem more mysterious and scary. Father Gabriel seemed afraid of something and was gathering supplies, gassing up a car and escaping for some reason.

The scene was full of questions for us. Where was Judith? Did Gabe have some kind of plan? Was someone making him do this? It never crossed my mind that he was fleeing, the way Rosita suggested at the end of the episode.

When Father Gabriel drove away, someone popped up in the passenger seat. If not for Twitter, I would never have known! Did you see it? Do you think Gabriel knew the person was there? Was that the person who made Gabriel gather the supplies? Was it a stranger and Gabriel doesn’t know the person was there? Did Gabriel want to go with the person?

Next: 5 questions we have after the midseason premiere

What do you think about the Gabriel mystery? Did you have a hard time seeing the scene because of the dark way it was filmed? Did you see the person in the car? I still can’t even see the person in the photo. We need a little light on the subject, Mr. Nicotero!