We’re not worthy: The Walking Dead 710 ‘New Best Friends’ review

Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier - The Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
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Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead 710, AMC
Daryl Dixon – The Walking Dead 710, AMC

The Good Stuff

  1. An excellent opening teaser. The scenes opening episodes have continually gotten stronger as the show goes on. This time, a lot happened during the scene, including trouble between The Saviors and The Kingdom, Morgan getting some motivation to fight, and Daryl getting a crossbow back.
  2. Finally, some character development from Daryl. Mr. Dixon has been struggling lately to advance as a character. He’s been in tough situations and came away as the same character he was before. This interaction with Richard shows he is still passionate about life, particularly when it comes to Carol.
  3. Father Gabriel has totally bought in. His passionate speech to the leader of the new community was enough to get them interested in fighting against The Saviors. His bold move to hold a knife to someone’s throat shows just how far he has come since doubting Rick and the survivors.
  4. An epic showdown. The fight between Rick and the armored spiky walker named Winslow was great. Not only did it show his worth as a fighter but it also proved he has a life worth fighting for. Rick walked out of the fight a winner, but it was great to see Rick as a human once again.
  5. The Daryl and Carol reunion. These two have been together since season 1, and if anyone can help Carol to understand how much she is needed in Alexandria right now, it might just be Daryl. Whether or not it can happen is yet to be seen, but the potential is definitely there. And Daryl couldn’t break Carol’s heart by telling her about Glenn. Abraham, Spencer, and Olivia.