11) This episode gets its name from Rick recounting a story his mother told him, about a kingdom and a “Rock In The Road” disrupting people trying to reach it, using it as an analogy for the situation they all face with the prospect of fighting The Saviors.
12) When we see the archers practicing, one of the trainers has a hand covered in armor. Is it a prosthetic (There seems to be a lot of references to people losing limbs at this point in the episode)? It looks a hell of a lot like Ash’s prosthetic hand from Army of Darkness, regardless.
13) When talking with Rick, Ezekiel discusses losing a lot of people attempting to expand The Kingdom’s borders. Is that how Ben’s father died?
14) Ezekiel calls the dead “The Wasted”. This is the same name Brandon, Derek, and James gave to the infected in Fear The Walking Dead.
15) Rosita tells Sasha “We’re not friends”. Funny, that’s exactly what Sasha said to Abraham on their way to Alexandria in season five’s “Them”.
Next: Surprises On All Sides