#2. Who will Negan blame for Daryl escaping?
Last week, fans watching ‘New Best Friends’ got to hear the radio transmission of Negan giving a eulogy for Fat Joey. At the end of his speech, the leader of The Saviors realized that Daryl is gone and issued a search party to head to Alexandria.
Meanwhile, Negan himself went straight to Dwight. As the man who was put in charge of watching after Daryl, Dwight got locked in the same cell he used to attempt to break down Daryl. However, he didn’t stay in there long.
After once again pledging his allegiance to Negan, Dwight was ordered to find Sherry and bring her back to The Sanctuary. He returned to home where he and Sherry used to live, but only found a note saying she had moved on.
Dwight used that note to frame Doctor Carson for both letting Daryl out and Sherry’s escape. Carson’s fate was a gruesome one, as he was thrown into the same fire used to heat the iron for Dwight and Mark’s faces in the past.