Actor Briana Venskus plays Beatrice of the Oceanside community in The Walking Dead season 7 episode 6 ‘Swear’. Briana graciously talked to Undead Walking and provided a lot of great insight into her role at Oceanside.
Tara washes up on shore in The Walking Dead episode ‘Swear’ and is rescued by Cyndie, even though her community’s rules say she should have shot her on sight. Cyndie has a soft spot for Tara and brings her safely to land and leaves her with a spear and some fish.
Tara makes her way quietly to the mysterious Oceanside Community. But not quietly enough. We hear an alarm of sorts and the residents begin arming themselves from an impressive stash of weapons.

Beatrice fire shots at Tara as she runs through the camp. But Tara gets the jump on Beatrice and trips her with the spear. Tara recovers Beatrice’s gun, but instead of killing Beatrice, Tara knocks her out instead.
Nevertheless, Tara ends up being surrounded and captured at Oceanside. She pleads her case for them to let her go and allow her to return to her own community.
Beatrice and fellow resident Kathy agree to take Tara back to the bridge where she fell into the water originally. But these two pull a fast one on Tara and try to kill her instead. Cyndie comes to Tara’s rescue and lets her go but only after making her “swear” that she will tell no one about Oceanside. Tara agrees.
It seems like that promise is becoming much more difficult to keep as Alexandria prepares for a fight against Negan and Rick has promised to find guns for the Scavengers in exchange for their help.
Will we see Oceanside again this season on The Walking Dead? While we wait to find out, we enjoyed the opportunity to talk to Briana Venskus about Beatrice, Oceanside, and how the episode came together despite a heat index of 105 degrees!
Find out what she had to say.