5 questions answered from The Walking Dead 712: ‘Say Yes’

Michonne - The Walking Dead episode 712, AMC
Michonne - The Walking Dead episode 712, AMC
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Rick and Jadis - The Walking Dead episode 712, AMC
Rick and Jadis – The Walking Dead episode 712, AMC

#3. How many guns will satisfy the deal with The Scavengers?

When Rick and Jadis made a deal to get the people of The Scavengers to help Alexandria fight against The Saviors, the terms of the agreement were not exactly laid out in a straight-forward fashion.

When Alexandria attempted to bring the guns they found on the scavenger mission, they discovered it just wasn’t enough. Jadis said that at least twice this amount of guns would be needed in order to fulfill their obligations.

Upon discovering that, Rick had to negotiate once again. His plan was to have the group be able to use the guns to be able to get more guns. While a good concept, the group runs the risk of Negan’s men finding their weapons.

If Alexandria wants to get The Scavengers on their side, they will need to get quite a bit more firepower to trade for their services. This will be a challenge going forward, but at least they know what it will take for the deal to be done.