1. Are The Scavengers just messing with Alexandria?
There is something a little off about The Scavengers. Maybe it is the way that Jadis talks, their strange organization structure, or awkward way of life, but it’s hard to completely trust this group without getting to know them first.
Sadly, there isn’t time to get that kind of look into their community. Alexandria is in a hurry to get more soldiers for the war against Negan and The Saviors that they were quick to enter into a deal without fully understanding who or what they were dealing with.
After Rick was tested in the pit by the spiked and armored walker, Rick earned his value, but The Scavengers have yet to prove anything to Alexandria other than the ability to capture Father Gabriel and steal their food and supplies.
When you add all that in with Jadis telling Rick that the guns brought to them was not enough, it has to make viewers wonder just how serious The Scavengers are when it comes to this deal and whether or not they will actually follow through with their side of the bargain.