#2. Can Rosita and Sasha’s plan succeed?
Rosita is one impatient lady. It is understandable that she wants revenge against Negan and The Saviors for what they have done to Abraham, Glenn, and Spencer as well as feeling responsible for Olivia’s death, but an organized attack is much better than an impulsive one.
Despite a lack of a real plan or even the approval of the rest of the community, there is a real chance that there can be a somewhat successful assault on The Saviors when Rosita combines her efforts with Sasha.
Rosita finding the high-powered sniper rifle is exactly what could turn the tide. Unlike Rosita with her handgun, Sasha has shown a real proficiency with rifles and might actually be able to take out a huge target from a distance that way.
Then again, there is always the chance of error. A miss would ruin the whole plan, alert The Saviors to their plan, and put everyone in danger once again. Last time, Olivia died and Eugene got taken…so what would be the penalty if this assault fails?